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Boys KA, Haynes-Maslow L, McGuirt JT, Ammerman AS, Van Fleet EE, Johnson NS, Kelley CJ, Edwards V, Fleischhacker SE, Truesdale KP, Bell RA, Jilcott Pitts SB. 2021. Perceived barriers and facilitators to participating in the North Carolina Healthy Food Small Retailer Program: A mixed-methods examination considering investment effectiveness. Public Health Nutr. 24(18): 6555-6565. doi: 10.1017/S1368980021003955.


Haynes-Maslow, L., S.B. Jilcott Pitts, K.A. Boys, J.T. McGuirt, S. Fleishhacker, A.S. Ammerman, N. Johnson, C. Kelley, V.E. Donadio, R.A. Bell, M.N. Laska. 2021. Qualitative perspectives of the North Carolina healthy food small retailer program among customers in participating stores located in food deserts. BMC Public Health. 21,1459.


Jilcott Pitts, S.B., Q. Wu, K.P. Truesdale, A.P. Rafferty, L. Haynes-Maslow, K.A. Boys, J.T. McGuirt, S. Fleischhacker, N. Johnson, A.P. Kaur, R.A. Bell, A.S. Ammerman, M.N. Laska. 2021.  A four-year observational study to examine the dietary impact of the North Carolina Healthy Food Small Retailer Program, 2017-2020. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 18:44​


W. Knollenberg., C.G. Arroyo, C. Barbieri, and K.A. Boys. 2021. Craft Beverage Tourism Development: The contributions of social capital. Journal of Destination Marketing Management. 20:100599


K.A. Boys and A.M. Fraser. 2021. The Gap Between Perception and Reality: Obstacles to Public School Use of Produce from Small Local Farms in the U.S. Southeast.  Health Behavior and Policy Review. 8(1): 13-27.


D.B. Willis, D.W. Hughes, K.A. Boys, D. Swindall. Economic Growth through Entrepreneurship: Determinants of Self-Employed Income Across Regional Economies.  Papers in Regional Science.  99(1):73-95.


R.D. Dunning, L.K. Johnson, and K.A. Boys. 2019. Putting Dollars to Waste: Estimating the Value of On-Farm Food Loss. Choices. 34(1).


K.A. Boys and A.M Fraser. 2019. Linking Small Fruit and Vegetable Farmers with Institutional Foodservice Operations: Marketing Challenges and Considerations. Renewable Agriculture and Foodsystems. 34(3):226-238.


K.A. Boys, K. DuBreuil, and G. Groover. 2017. AgCache: Fostering Rural Tourism through an Agriculture Focused Geocache Program.  Journal of Sustainable Tourism.  25(10):1-20.


D. Willis, C. Carpio, and K.A. Boys. 2016. Supporting Local Food System Development Through Food Price Premium Donations: A Policy Proposal.  Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics.  48(2): 192-217.


D. Hughes and K.A. Boys. 2015. What We Know and Don’t Know About the Economic Development Benefits of Local Food Systems. Choices. 30(1): 1-6.


D. Hughes, H. Chrissy, and K.A. Boys. 2014. Limehouse Produce:  A Unique Wholesaler of Locally Sourced Produce.  Journal of Food Distribution Research. 45(3): 58-47.


K.A. Boys, D. Willis, and C. Carpio. 2014. Consumer Willingness to Pay for Organically and Locally Grown Produce on Dominica: Insights into the Potential for an “Organic Island.”  Environment, Development and Sustainability. 16(3): 595-617.


K.A. Boys and D. Hughes. 2013. A Regional Economics-Based Research Agenda for Local Food Systems. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.  3(4):145-150.


K.A. Boys and S. Blank. 2016. “The Evolution of Local Foods: A Retrospective and Prospective Consideration,” Chapter 2 in M. Lang and J. Stanton (eds.) The Meaning of Local Foods: A Food Marketing Management Perspective, The Institute of Food Product Marketing, Philadelphia, PA.


Selected Publications by Research Area

Boys, K.A., S. Zhang, N. Hooker. 2022.  The International Trade of U.S. Organic Agri-Food Products: Export Opportunities, Import Competition, and Policy Impacts. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 37(6): 603-617. doi:


J.H. Grant, K.A. Boys, and C. Xie. 2021.  A New President in the White House: Implications for Canadian Agricultural Trade.  Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 69:45-58.

  • Note: Lead authorship shared by Boys and Grant.


A. Sharma, J.H. Grant, K.A. Boys. 2021. Truly Preferential Treatment? Reconsidering the Generalized System of (Trade) Preferences with Competing Suppliers. Journal of Agricultural Economics. 72(2):500-524.


C. Xie, J.H. Grant, K.A. Boys. 2019. Towards a More Efficient Tariff Rate Quota Regime: Evidence from Chinese Firm-Level Grain Imports. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 67(4):397-416.


A. Sharma, K.A. Boys, and J. Grant. 2019. The Bright Side of the Generalized System of (Trade) Preferences: Lessons from Agricultural Trade. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 44(1):3261.


J.H. Grant and K.A. Boys. 2012. “Agricultural Trade and the GATT/WTO: Does Membership Make a Difference?” American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 94(1): 1-24.  (Lead Article)


J.H. Grant, and K.A. Boys. 2011. “On the Road to Doha: How the WTO has Liberalized Agricultural Trade,” Foreign Policy (The Global Magazine of News and Ideas), (April) 01-08.



M. Ehmke, A. Bonanno, K.A. Boys, T. Smith. 2019.  Food Fraud: Economic Insights into the Dark Side of Incentives. Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 63(4):685-700.
Note: Second authorship is shared among all Bonanno, Boys, Smith.


K.A. Boys, M. Ollinger, and L. Geyer. 2015. The Food Safety Modernization Act: Implications for U.S. Small Scale Farms. American Journal of Law and Medicine. 41(2-3):395-405.


K.A. Boys. 2013. “Food Product Liability Insurance: Implications for the Marketing of Specialty Crops,” Choices. 28(4): 1-5.


X. Wang, K.A. Boys, and N.H. Hooker. 2019.  Organic Innovation: The Growing Importance of 
Private Label Products in the U.S. Chapter in J. Byrom and D. Medway (Eds.) Case Studies in 
Food Retailing and Distribution
. Woodhead Publishing.


Krzyzanowski Guerra, K., K.A. Boys. 2022. A new food chain: An introduction and policy implications to blockchain use in agri-food industries. Applied Economic Perspectives Policy. 44(1):324-349.


D. Thilmany, E. Canales, S.A. Low, and K.A. Boys. 2020. Local Food Supply Chain Dynamics and Resilience During COVID-19. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 43(1): 86-104.


M. Barrowclough, K.A. Boys, and C. Carpio. 2019.  Benefits, Challenges, and Tradeoffs: An Evaluation of Buyer and Contract Characteristics Valued by Small Farm Suppliers to Wholesale Marketing Channels. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 44(3): 603-621. doi: 10.22004/ag.econ.292334


A. Wilcock and K.A. Boys. 2017. “Improving Quality Management: ISO 9001 Benefits for Agrifood Firms.”  Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies. 7(1): 2-20.


K.A. Boys, and A. Wilcock. 2014.  Improving Integration of Human Resources into Quality Management System Standards. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management (IJQRM). 31(7): 738-750. (Lead Article)


A. Wilcock and K.A. Boys. 2014. Reduce Product Counterfeiting: An Integrated Approach.  Business Horizons. 57(2): 279-288.


A. Wilcock, S. Karapetrovic, K.A. Boys, P. Piche. 2006. Use of ISO 9004:2000 and other Business Excellence Tools in Canada. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. 23(7): 828-846.


K.A. Boys, A. Wilcock, S. Karapetrovic, and M. Aung. 2005. “Evolution towards excellence: Use of Business Excellence Programs by Canadian organizations.” Measuring Business Excellence. 9(4): 4-15.


K.A. Boys, S. Karapetrovic, A. Wilcock. 2004. “Is ISO 9004 a Path to Business Excellence?  Opinions of Canadian standards experts.”  International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management 21(8): 841-860.



S. Haque, K. Foster, R. Keeney, K.A. Boys, and B.N. Gopalakrishnan. 2019. Output and Bias Effects of U.S. Direct Payments. Agricultural Economics. 50:229-236.


P. Caffarelli, G. Ferreira, G. Groover, and K.A. Boys. 2016. Grain Consumption and Production in Virginia: A Trend and Spatial Examination. Agricultural Sciences. 7(4): 250-269.


B. Moussa, J. Lowenberg-DeBoer, J. Fulton, and K.A. Boys. 2011. The Economic Impact of Cowpea Research in West and Central Africa: A Regional Impact Assessment of Improved Cowpea Storage Technologies.  Journal of Stored Products Research. 47(3): 147-156.


K.A. Boys, N. Li, P.V. Preckel, A.P. Schinckel, and K.A. Foster. 2007. Economic Replacement of a Heterogeneous Herd. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 89(1): 24-35.


K.A. Boys, M. Faye, J. Fulton, J. Lowenberg-DeBoer.  2007. The Economic Impact of Cowpea Storage Research in Senegal: An Ex-Post Analysis with Disadoption. Agricultural Economics. 36(3):363-375.

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