ECG 548
This course covers the determinants of international trade, migration, and investment and their connection with economic growth. It also covers macro/monetary issues, including exchange rates, financial markets and monetary-fiscal policy in open economies.

ARE 495/590
This course will provide students a theoretical basis and empirical tools to examine U.S. federal, state, and local food policies. Applications covered will explore contemporary food policy issues such nutrition assistance programs; regulations governing food safety, food transport and food trade; alternatives to the conventional food system (i.e. local foods, urban farming); health and nutritional labeling and claims; and the quickly evolving policy and legal environment affecting food adulteration, food fraud, and national food defense.

ARE 448
Study of the economic forces that drive international trade in agriculture, food, and natural resources. Economic principles, analytical techniques, and empirical analysis are used to explain international trade and foreign direct investment in the global marketplace.

ARE 312
Application of marketing and economic principles to decision making in contemporary agribusiness firms. Marketing strategies, marketing research and information, segmentation and targeting, marketing mix, and market plans within food, fiber, natural resource, and production input industries. Professional selling skills and knowledge. Off-campus field experience and visiting lecturers from the agribusiness industry.
Other Courses
At Virginia Tech
Advanced Agricultural Marketing
AAEC 4514
Marketing Agricultural Products
AAEC 3504
Foundations in Agribusiness
AAEC 2434
At Clemson University
Community & Regional Economic Development
PhD Field Course; APEC 832
Regional Impact Analysis
APEC/CRD 411/611
The Economics of Agricultural Marketing
APEC 309
Creative Inquiry: Developing Linkages for a
Sustainable Food System
APEC 494/899
Creative Inquiry: Marketing Academic Programs
APEC 494